Transitioning Youth and Adults
Capital Area Employment 1st Coalition
The Capital Area Employment 1st Coalition is collaboration of individuals from the local counties, service providers, employers, and community stakeholders who believe in several overarching principles related to employment for all individuals, including individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism. They are committed to sharing the knowledge and resources that will make every individual a success story. The core beliefs and values of the group include:
- Everyone can work and there is a real job for everyone. A real job is one with real wages and benefits, side-by-side with co-workers without disabilities.
- Not working should be the exception. All individuals, schools, families, and businesses must raise their expectations.
- People will be hired because of their ability not because they have a disability.
- Everyone has something to contribute.
- Having a real job and earning wages helps people have a lifestyle with value, choice and empowerment.
- Real jobs should be the first priority and preferred outcome for people with disabilities.
- Employment is a win/win for everybody!
Secondary (Grades 7-12) Post Secondary (High School and Beyond) · Transitioning Youth and Adults Job Resources
Horizons Creative Studio
Horizons is an inclusive creative studio with a wide variety of creative activities and classes including a merit badge club for adults.
(717) 460-6886 · [email protected]
933 Kranzel Drive, Camp Hill, PA 17055
Post Secondary (High School and Beyond) · Social, Recreational, Fitness Transitioning Youth and Adults
Neurodiverse Network
Inclusive community center focused on providing connection for people with brain differences and invisible disablities.
(717) 724-7780 · [email protected]
405 Bridge Street New Cumberland
Ages Birth-3 Early Intervention (Ages 3-5) Elementary (Grades K-6) Secondary (Grades 7-12) Post Secondary (High School and Beyond) · Social, Recreational, Fitness Schools, Educational Programs, Advocacy Transitioning Youth and Adults Accessibility, Inclusion, Safety, Health
Nour is a place where people of different abilities work together to contribute to our community and where diversity is celebrated.
(717) 695-2037 · [email protected]
101 N. St. Johns Church Rd., C, Camp Hill, PA 17011
Post Secondary (High School and Beyond) · Schools, Educational Programs, Advocacy Transitioning Youth and Adults Accessibility, Inclusion, Safety, Health Job Resources
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
OVR counselors assist disabled individuals with obtaining, maintaining, or advancing employment through personalized services, including vocational guidance and counseling, goal setting, creating Individualized Plans for Employment, and job placement.
(717) 346-2766 · [email protected]
Secondary (Grades 7-12) Post Secondary (High School and Beyond) · Schools, Educational Programs, Advocacy Transitioning Youth and Adults Job Resources
Penn State Harrisburg Career Studies Program
The Career Studies Program is a U.S. Department of Education approved Comprehensive Transition Program (CTP), where individuals with intellectual disabilities can obtain a high-quality, individualized post-secondary education that leads to social and professional networks, careers, and a bright future. Career Studies is an inclusive two-year, four-semester program that includes academic and social enrichment, career exploration, and practical work experiences. Our program mission is to provide enriching and inclusive post-secondary education and career exploration experiences that lead to independence and competitive employment.
(717) 948-6636 · [email protected]
Penn State Harrisburg Campus - Middletown PA
Post Secondary (High School and Beyond) · Transitioning Youth and Adults Schools, Educational Programs, Advocacy
The Arc of Cumberland and Perry Counties
The mission of The Arc of Cumberland and Perry Counties (CPARC) is to empower, inspire, and educated people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and the community. Services include Day Programs, Employment services, Residential services and Advocacy. Advocacy is free of charge and includes 1:1 Special Education or Adult Advocacy, education and resources, and systems advocacy.
(717) 249-2611 · [email protected] (Advocacy Intake) / [email protected] (Outreach Coordinator)
71 Ashland Ave, Carlisle, PA 17013
Ages Birth-3 Early Intervention (Ages 3-5) Elementary (Grades K-6) Secondary (Grades 7-12) Post Secondary (High School and Beyond) · Schools, Educational Programs, Advocacy Transitioning Youth and Adults Accessibility, Inclusion, Safety, Health Information, Access to Additional Services
The Center for Independent Living of Central PA
The mission of the Center for Independent Living of Central Pennsylvania is to eliminate and prevent barriers that people with disabilities experience.
3211 North Front Street, Suite 100, Harrisburg PA 17110
Elementary (Grades K-6) Secondary (Grades 7-12) Post Secondary (High School and Beyond) · Social, Recreational, Fitness Schools, Educational Programs, Advocacy Transitioning Youth and Adults Accessibility, Inclusion, Safety, Health
UCP Central PA
Non-profit human services organization built to empower individuals of diverse abilities to live a meaningful life
(717) 737-3477 · [email protected]
55 Utley Drive, Camp Hill, PA 17011
Ages Birth-3 Post Secondary (High School and Beyond) · Transitioning Youth and Adults Theraputic Services Job Resources